★Title★Les Miserables
*main* Jean Varjean, Javeill, Cozzet, Marius, Fantienue
*minor* Bishop Milier, Mr. and Mrs. Tenardie, Sianmatie, Forselvian, Eponeenue
*Opening*---Jean Varlrean
The story is set in 1815 winter, a shabby big man was roving through a small town in Paris. He was just about to escape from prison. He was very cold and hungly, he was looking for an inn and food. His name is Jean Varjean, a convict. He had been jailed on a charge of stealer of a only bread for 19 years, because He could not stand extreme hunger.
He was rejected everywhere, but a old bishop warmly recieve him into the house. However, in the midnight, Varjean stole the bishop's expensive silver dinner set to get money. Moreover he hit the bishop's head and made him in black out, then ran away. The next morming, the bishop said "The dinner set are what I gave him." to military policemen who came and captured Varjean. Then he released Varjean, and also gave two silver candlesticks to Varlean. So far, Varjean was a person distrus and hatred itself. But the thinking was broken by the bishop's belief and kindness. He was so sorry about regrets what he did, then the bishop said him "Live as a new man." at parting. Varjean reformed himself, and swore to live integrity.
Nine years later, Varjean install as a good mayor. He change his name to Madeleine, because he is quite another person now. He keep hiding his past among people. By the way, In his factory, a terribly skinny woman works. her name is Fantienue. She left her only small daughter with other husband and wife who lives in far small town. The dauter's name is Cozzet. Regularly Fantienue recieves many letters that say "Your lovable daughter is in illness. We need a large amount of money for it." from them. She doesn't know, but what they say is actually a lie. Therefore, she keep working for a daughter's fee with bad condition.
One day, Varjean save her, but she is arleady dying. He promised to take back Cozzet to her certainly. He is just about to go to Cozzet place, when his secret and real name are came out by Javeill who is a plainclothes policeman. Immediatery after that, Fantienue die.
When Varjean was a convict, he was imposed heavy physical labor in place just like hell. The most cruel bully police was Javeill. He always ill-treated Varjean but no reason. By the way, after Varjean installed a mayor, they had begun to forget each existance.
One day, Javeill happened to see a big mayor who try to save a man who is pinned under a coach in public. In the moment that he saw the mayor's face and body,
he notice that this man is Varjean!! Then he start to chase him secretly. Madeieine also notise that the police is Javeill, but he visit Madeleine many time with a look of innocence to press madeleime step by step...

In the night of Christmas Eve, Varjean get to Cozzet in the town. She is so pretty and she seem to be healthy. However she is only 8 years old,
the husband and wife have forced her to work without pay. And they ill-treat her, but are very good to their children. He get angry about the thing, but he pays for taking back Cozzet following their inaccurate demand. He success in that at last. Then Varjean and Cozzet escape toward Paris. Javeill sures that they come back in the day, then he is cautious them with menservants. They make their escape by slipping through the policemen who Javeill heads,
seek refuge in a convent. They start to live unsocialy there. Cozzet adores Varjean as father, and he love her like a real daughter. So they are deeply attach to each other. She grow up so beautiful,
but he always fear that his secret come out to her, and Javeill reappears for recapture him. Actually, Javeill doesn't give up it, and he always hanging around Paris...
-----To be continued in secret! I do recommend watching the movie to you! You will be suprised at the climax certainly, I think.
This movie ask me that "What is
love?", "What is
sympathy?" and "What is
clime and
pardon?" etc. I really moved but was confused by the questions. But only my definite answer is that
"Love can reform any bad person."
In opening, the bishop forgave Varjean, then he reformed. I didn't write the outline avobe, but Varjean forgave all what Javeill to do toward him, lastly. If I was bihshop or Varjean, I would hate them forever. Of couse, some shoud be forgive and some shouldn't be forgive because of so grave clime. It's my opinion,
a climer who we could feel slight expectancy in his future may be forgive! This is the very love, I think.
Various things that you cannot expect happen from now in this movie. And the climax will make you feel thrilling certainly, I think.
Actually, I watched not only movie, but I went watching the musical in Fukuoka Hakataza with Manami. Because I love this story too much!! I wish to talk with you about this movie after you watched it!