Wednesday, December 10, 2008

OL 2-05; Learning with computers

It's just a preparation for next essay! That is...out line!!

Generalize of learning with computers among a lot of students

Merit of LWC
1. To collect information for your study without text or dictionary
2. To finish your report faster than paper writing(easy to edit)
3. To learn while enjoying

Demerit of LWC
1. Concern of failing our spell skill and Kanji skill
2. Possibility that a important document may go away in an instant
3. When we compromise to keep studying, we tend to waste of time by net surfing.

Useful applications:
Google, Wikipedia etc.
Study English
ALC~power wards~, Typing game's website, Toeic and Toefl training website

Which is better for today's students, handwriting or LWC?

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