Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I wanna be who read English news paper without dictionary

Today, I read 'The Japan Times' and 'Asahi Shinbun' to gather ten information of personal matters in KGU library at after school. So tomorrow, we have to announce them in Kamimoto sensei's Reading class.

I read hardly news paper, because I' m not interested in personal matters so much.
But today, I tried to read both English NP and Japanese NP.

Here are parts of information's topic I gathered.
1)Delta aviation and North West aviation will be amalgamated to build the largest airline.
2)Compound in soy may curb breast cancer risk.
3)World Bank launches 'New Deal'~ Food cost crisis spurs bid to fight hunger, poverty~
4)Kanenoto joins ' Meikyukai~Raps 2000th hit in seventh off BaySters' Terahara~ etc...
*Political news from Asahi shinbun are omitted , because I cannot translate well.

Unexpectedly, I could enjoy reading! Moreover, it proved to be very useful for my knowledge. So I'll keep this habit as frequent as I could.

See you!

1 comment:

Rick said...

Nice habit. BYW, how do you get your drawings into your blog? Do you use software to draw them?