Thursday, July 12, 2007

Movie Reviews!

My favorite movies are all of Johnny Depp's movie!!
Needless to say, The Pirate of Caribbien (Part1,2,3) is absolutely exciting and amusing movie all around the word. So I love it, too much!!
But now I'll introduse another one which I love.
"DEADMAN".......It is a minor movie.

Given a letter by unknown man from unknown town, William Brake(J.Depp) found him job at last. He divorced his

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Classes I had today

Hi! You fine!? I fine!!
First of today, I took a Listening class by Patric. It's difficult to understand;That's what I said before. I afraid test of this two weeks later.
Secondry, I took Psychology. It's troblesome class. I get sleepy every this time!!